Sunday, August 14, 2011

London by Candlelight....

what a sad sight.

Now I am not going to bang on about the recent messing around in London and I'm not going to into the full reason for which I was there, but I will say this. If only some of those idiots realised who actually owned the properties which they were setting fire to, they would be on the next plane out of there. I am not talking about the shops which are resident in the buildings, but the actual owners of the bricks and mortar. The very angry men who are going to lose their rent money for a few months, perhaps years? The bad bastards who use these properties for laundering money. The same men who have their own, private CCTV footage of the looters and arsonists, footage which will be studied in the back rooms of nightclubs and the cellars of illegal casinos and never be seen by the police. The same men who ordered numerous doors to be kicked in on known gang leaders whilst their properties burned. These are the men to really fear, not the police or the courts or the prison service. These are the invisible men who, rightly so, will hand out their own form of justice.

I am hastily catching up on statistics, so please be patient. Total readership so far: 420.

The Facebook Killer: Part One has reached number 945 in the Authonomy charts. It is rising around 20 - 30 places per day. When it reaches 700, I will go for a major push to have it backed by the readers.

My SPAM Offensive: A total load of bollocks! I spammed over 500 people and sites with bugger all results apart from getting Spammer's Elbow.

My books on Kindle are selling at the rate of around one a day.

On a stranger note, during my research for the ending of Facebook Killer: Part 2, I have been subjected to some very strange websites. how to and Serial Killer I signed up for the latter but they haven't accepted me as a member...strange. I have also been banned from two further US Christian forums (I didn't even get any quotes... except "Dear ML welcome to our brotherhood and we hope you enjoy your lightened path through this forum) ????

So, all in all, it looks like I may fall short of my half million books by Xmas, but hey! there's time yet.

Take care,

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


My apologies for the lack of blogging but I have been recalled to London due to foreseen circumstances. I guarantee that within 3 days things will return to normal.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A pompous ass once said...I don't mean to blow my own trumpet, BUT...

... I have my first reviews! And believe me, they're not from my Aunt Doris or Uncle Donald's dog. These are real reviews from real live people.

"Read the book on Kindle. Love it. A great read and a testament to a very talented author. Great Characters, brilliant, original plot. Not to be missed. Good Job ML"

"Chpt. 1: LOVE the opening line"

"Great story. Your plot begins right here with the letter, his economic circumstances, antique biz, etc. Your style is definately unique. You write the setting like a stage play which I kind of like. The verbs tend to be in the present which is different than most who write in the past tense."

Wow. What can I say? Except that was a brilliant story. Without putting any spoilers in here, the story behind the pub was great, funny as well. Your sense of humour, which you seemed to inject well into the book, is very British. Dry. There were a few points when I laughed out loud. "The joyriders" line and the "funnel" joke. Must admit I thopught it was going to be an all-action male-only book, but you have managed to take me far enough into the characters lives to feel compassionate for their cause. By chapter 15, I wanted them to get away with it. The plot to the robbery itself was an amazing piece of imagination. It hit me hard when I realised the twist and the chapter whjere Ray Troy is being chased by the police had my adrenalin pumping. My only criticism is that I would like to have seen an opening at the end for a sequel. "

"This isn't the sort of book I would usually read but I decided to check it out. I wasn't sure about chapter one, but the plot really takes off in the later chapters and I enjoyed it quite a lot."


"I am very impressed with this. Your voice is unique and the reality of what this man faced is very frightening, made even more so because of the ordinary nature of his lfe before the fire.

You will need an editor, well who doesn't, but don't let them spoil 'your voice' in the pursuit of correctness.

The menace you have created show your mastery of this difficult genre.

Very well done indeed. "

"Omg!! Really damn good. I really cant stop reading. I continued reading it. Really, I have never felt in a way like that.
Very impressive. I think I would read it completely. Very interesting one."

"Backed The Facebook Killer: Part 1: Social networking Hannibal Lecter-style. I took your warning seriously and deleted my Facebook account after reading the first three chapters! Good job of building the tension and developing the madness Madison descends into. "

"Fantastic, Ingenious and the scariest thing of all, it is highly believable. Please finish part 2 ASAP."

And at this point I have run out of breath for blowing the trumpet. Believe it or not, I didn't write any of the above reviews myself.

Tomorrow, I will update you all on my SPAM campaign.