Saturday, November 12, 2011

ML Stewart's FBK Tops UK iBooks Charts

Today I kicked Stieg Laaarrrrsons's arse, as well as James Patterson, Lee Child, John Le Carre, Jeffrey Archer and a lot more people I have never heard of to take not just the Number 1 spot on the UK iTunes Chart but Number 2 also.

Today FBK1 & FBK2 are officially the best-selling Mystery Thrillers on iBooks with 403 four and five-star ratings.

As you can probably guess I have now arrived in the Southern Hemisphere. I should have been here a week ago but I spent a few days in Dubai and Brunei to research my next book, The United Kingdom Of Islam.

I apologise for such a short blog (might as well have been a f+cking tweet) but I will get straight back to business on Monday.

Best Regards
ML Stewart.

1 comment:

Sarah Tokeley said...

Congratulations. I've learned something new today. I didn't know you could download books on itunes.