Why? I hear you grumbling to yourself, in between thoughts of what’s on the television tonight and should I stop reading this arsehole’s lame Blog? (How come arsehole is in the spellchecker, yet Adolf isn’t? Maybe the thesaurus has the two words linked?)
Well after Amazon kindly gave away 22,000 copies of FBK1 for free, they have decided in their eternal wisdom to start charging 86p again, something that I won’t moan about. Since the price label went back on four days ago I have sold a further 150 copies (money, money, money!) and 600 copies of FBK2. Now I will be able to gauge the true follow through. In other words, people who thought that FBK1 was shit will not buy part 2. The current follow through is 17.5% = 3820 sales of FBK2. Plus 210 sales of the Sunday Club. Now 17.5% doesn’t seem like a big percentage but bear in mind that a lot of people are still storing FBK1 on their Kindle, unread ..... I hope. Therefore it is going to take a few more weeks to get the real results through. Stay tuned. Sales of FBK in the US are slow but the follow through is 60%, which is more than encouraging.
The United Kingdom Of Islam is rapidly taking shape. I am dedicating work on it from 11:00am until 7:00pm, seven days a week. As I mentioned in an earlier Blog, there appear to be too many authors who establish a winning formula and just keep bashing the same old bullshit out. The readers buy it because they are used to buying it. I don’t want to end up like that. I’d rather give a monkey my computer and let him get on with it. UKI might bomb instantly or it may become as successful as FBK, either way, I have to give it my best go. That’s all I can do.
Now that’s the statistics out of the way. What can we talk about next? Oh yes, I almost forgot. Many facets of UKI are about going back to the primitive way of doing things. Fire as opposed to electricity blah, blah, blah. So it got me thinking, (in that strange way that I do) How could I take a uniquely modern day idea back to its primitive roots and do you know what I came up with? I hope not, because that would make us equally troubled. SPAM!
Okay imagine that you are a caveman or woman, you’ve just killed the biggest mammoth in history and you’ve got so much meat left over that you need to start selling it. How do you do it? You start to spam the neighbouring tribes. Are you with me? You send your fastest runner to the neighbours' cave with a rock and some red berry juice. When they’re all out hunting and gathering he writes on their Facerock Wall, “mammoth steaks for sale at the Kindle cave, only 86p each” and then he runs like f+ck back home before he gets a flint in his arse.
Where am I going with this? Well before the Internet, before emails, gmail, yahoo and hotmail we had bottles. Bottle mail. Today I sent my butler with five hundred bottles down to the beach. Each one contained an advert for FBK and a link. He was arrested after throwing four hundred into the sea, so I finished the job. Now give me the name of any author who has tried this before and I’ll give you my butler’s job during his six months incarceration.
Stay tuned for the results.
ML Stewart
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